explore the forest farm

Located in Longbranch, WA. We dedicate 10 acres of forest land towards the practice of Agroforestry. The center point of sustainability, agriculture, and forestry.

Agroforestry is the intentional integration of trees and shrubs into crop and animal farming systems to create environmental, economic, and social benefits. It has been practiced in the United States and around the world for centuries.
— United States Department of Agriculture

from ideas to paper to action

We had the goal to build a business focused on a cause. We are now closer than ever to making our mission a reality.


why it matters…

Climate change mitigation: Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide, thus helping to combat climate change.

Biodiversity enhancement: Integrating trees into agricultural landscapes creates diverse habitats for various species, promoting biodiversity and ecological balance.

Soil health improvement: Trees protect soil from erosion, enrich it with nutrients through leaf litter decomposition, and promote water infiltration, leading to healthier and more productive soil.

Reduced water pollution: Trees act as natural filters, preventing agricultural runoff and protecting water quality.

Increased food security: Diversifying agricultural production with various crops and tree products fosters resilience against crop failures and provides year-round food sources.

Improved economic opportunities: Integrating high-value trees and products like fruits, nuts, or timber can generate additional income for farmers and rural communities.

Enhanced community well-being: Trees in agricultural landscapes provide shade, wind protection, and aesthetic value, improving the quality of life for rural communities.

Key Peninsula News Article


Building a better food system for everyone: Join us!

We’re always looking for opportunities to collaborate and innovate. Please get in touch with us!